Thursday, February 26, 2015

Backpacking vs. Traveling for Work

People always ask me why I don’t just find a job that enables me to travel.  My answer; because I wouldn’t be able to have the experience that I want.  Let me start by saying that there are so many different types of jobs that require travel so each job is different.  The type of job that I’m referring to is that typical job that flies a worker wherever for a meeting, conference, or other business-related event.   I know many people who travel for this type of work and if not all, then most of them, tell me how little they get to see and do outside of the airport and their hotel.  Also, even though it’s nice to stay in a nicer hotel, being able to stay in hostels and other budget accommodations is all part of the experience.  I wouldn’t have the friend all around the world that I do if I stay in a nice hotel by myself.  I wouldn’t have an endless amount of crazy stories to share, journals filled is experiences, or the knowledge or desire to help, inform, and inspire others to travel based on what I have learned throughout my travels.  Although it would be nice to travel on someone else’s budget,  I am happy and proud to say that I have been able to travel as much of the world that I have due to my personal hard work, dedication, money-saving abilities, and more.  When traveling for work, most things, if not everything, will be planned out for you.  When I travel the way that I do, I am forced to figure everything out on my own.  I am faced with problems to solve, decisions to make, making sure that I am well-prepared with everything, and the responsibility to make sure that I am always safe.  Traveling the world is an amazing way to learn lessons, build character and strength, learn independence, and learn how to problem solve.  Amongst all of that, it is also an excellent way to meet people from all around the world and to become cultured.  Again, I say, not every job that entails traveling is so clean and cut.  There are various jobs that require travel, adventure, culture, experiences, and more.  This are pretty awesome jobs!

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