Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why You Should Document Your Journey

One of the best things that you can do for yourself during your travels is to document it.  When I began my travels right out of university, I started documenting my journey in an online blog.  I then began writing about my travels in notebooks that I brought along with me.  I found that documenting my journey helped me in so many ways and it’s always something that I recommend to people, whether you’re just starting off or if you’re already an experienced traveler.  Now, I have a handful of journals filled with my travel memories that I can refer back to at any point in my life and that I can share with my grandkids one day. 

Some reasons why documenting your journey is helpful and important:
It’s therapeutic and good for your mindset.  Writing about your thoughts and feelings during your travels is a great way to improve your mindset and ease any worries, stress, or fears that you may be experiencing.  Writing will also help bring clarity and understanding to any struggles that you may be feeling.

You will always have a resource to refer back to for memories and travel information and details for when you forget.

Your journaling can inspire and shape a blog, ebook, or any other creative outlet that you want.  It can help you realize what you enjoy writing about most and what stories and travel information you like sharing with others.

You can share your journey with your future children or grandchildren one day.  They can read what the world was like, where your mind was at, why you chose that lifestyle, and learn much more about you and the world!

There are various ways that you can document your journey now-a-days thanks to technology and the internet.  Here are some ideas:

Old fashioned notebooks and journals, pen and paper (I love the nostalgia of completed journals full of memories!)

 Online blogging on platforms such as free platforms like Blogger and Squarespace

Creating and writing on a website using platforms such as Wordpress or Wix

Recording videos and posting on social media or having your own channel online

However you choose to document your travels, I recommend doing so! You won’t regret it!

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