Friday, February 15, 2019

15 Actionable Steps to Accomplishing Your Goals this Year

Don’t let this year be just like all of the others where you make a list of goals and by the end of the year you can only check one or two of those goals off of the list.  Have 2019 be your year of productivity, change, and making your goals a reality. 

If you’re someone who has always had an entrepreneurial spirit and you’ve kept ideas and the intent to start your own business in the back of your head for years, it’s your time to shine.  It’s time to take the leap and go for it.  If not now, then when!?

After finally taking the leap myself and starting my own online business, I wanted to share with you my list of things that will undoubtedly help you turn your goals into actionable steps and ultimately a reality.

Asking for Help: Get out of your own way and ask for help.  Asking for help is one of the best things that I have done.  You never know what opportunities may come from reaching out and asking for help.  Reach out to someone who has done or is doing something that you strive to accomplish and do.  If they don’t respond or you don’t get the response that you want, move on to the next person and ask! It never hurts to ask!

Taking the Leap: You’ll never achieve what you want to if never take the first step! If you don’t know where to begin, that’s ok! Start somewhere with something. Most likely, your ideas, vision, and plan will change over time anyways but you’ll never know if you don’t start.

Learn as Much as Possible: Before and during the beginning of my business, I spent a lot of my time learning as much as I could able anything and everything related to starting an online business, the travel industry, the coaching world, and much more. The internet is saturated with so many helpful and free content that will teach you so much about what you’re trying to do, want to do, and how to do it. There are free webinars, online trainings, courses, programs, resources, podcasts, ebooks, videos, and more. Watch them.  Attend them. Take notes and learn from them!  This will help to shape your ideas, plans, and roadmap!

Find a Mentor or a Coach: One of the best things that you can do for yourself and your goals is to get a mentor/coach. Find someone whose message and values resonate with and align with yours. You can learn so much from a mentor and a coach.  They can help guide you when you’re feeling stuck, get your mind in the right place, motivate you, hold you accountable, and inspire you.

Align your Passions and Heart with Your Efforts: Sometimes people want to do things because they feel it’s the “right thing to do” or it’s what others want them to do.  If you take time and think about what it is that you really truly want to accomplish and what you want in your life, align your passions and your heart with your actions. When you finally align your values and what lays in your heart with your passions, that’s when you’ll thrive in happiness and personal success.

Staying Organized: It’s hard to get things done when things are a mess, literally.  When you don’t feel organized and you can easily get discouraged, resulting in giving up on what you wish to get done.  Getting organized will allow positive energy to flow which will encourage productivity.

Being Productive: When you feel like you have a lot on your list to do, it’s easy to not want to do any of it.  Trust me, I get it! I great way to face that hurdle is to do something every single day that gets you one step closer to your goal.  Be productive every day, even if it’s the small things. If you’re working on a project or writing something, even the small amount of progress will lead you in the right direction.

Allow Mistakes and Failures: It doesn’t feel good to make mistakes and to feel like you failed but, making mistakes is actually really important and helpful.  Mistakes allow you to make realizations that you wouldn’t have otherwise had and will help with the learning process. Plus, the sooner that you make mistakes, the sooner you get the actual results that you want. Don’t be afraid to fail. Use every mistake and failure as a learning lesson.

Expect for Ideas and Vision to Evolve: It’s easy to get dead-set on your ideas and vision and not want to budge on them but, when you keep an open mind and allow your vision to change, bigger and better things can happen. Being closed-minded and having tunnel vision on your ideas can actually hurt and hinder your success.  Historically, the most successful companies and platforms started as one idea and morphed into something very different which made it into what it is today (Amazon and Facebook for examples!).

Seek Opportunities: Seek as many opportunities as you can.   Try new things. Challenge yourself. Even if those opportunities don’t fit exactly into your vision and goals, go for them anyways. You never know what doors will open, what connections you’ll make, and where one opportunity may take you.

Create, Create, Create: Exercise your creativity any way that you can whenever you can.  Being creative will help you realize what your goals really are and what you don’t enjoy doing.  If you don’t know where to begin or you don’t feel confident, just go for it! Start a blog, learn how to play an instrument, do Facebook Live videos, start a YouTube channel, write an ebook, create an online course, create art, or build something. You’ll be surprised how much creativity with help you in various ways.

Share Free Content: Getting visible and/or readable is a great way to express your creativity and to reach people who can learn from and relate to you. You can share free content in videos such as on Facebook Live or on a blog.  Everyone has something to share whether that’s their personal story, business tips, mindset advice, and more. There are always people out there (I call them your ‘seekers’) who want to hear, learn, and connect with you.  By putting yourself you there, it will help with focusing your passion and ideas as well as help with your mindset and confidence.  This all will help with reaching whatever goals you may have.

No More Excuses: It’s super simple to make excuses of why you can’t do something and to stay within your comfort zone.  This will only prevent you from accomplishing any goals that you may have. Instead of making an excuse on why you can’t do something, think of a reason why you can and should do it.  Again, get out of your own way! It’s easy to stay in your comfort zone but your comfort zone isn’t where your highest potential and goals lay!

Connect to Your Story: You may be wondering what connecting to your story has to do with accomplishing your goals.  My answer: everything! When you set a goal for yourself, it’s because it’s something that you crave, desire, and want in your life for a reason. When you dive deep into your personal story and what brought you to make those goals for yourself, you will gain clarity, focus, and motivation.  Connecting to your story and using that to help with all aspects of your life from the content that you put out, what you write about, building connections with other people, growing your following, growing a business, helping to stay in the right mind frame, and so much more.

Create a To-Do List: I am the queen of to-do lists and I absolutely love them.  A to-do list can help you get your goals and ideas out of your head and onto a piece of paper (or computer or phone).  By doing this, you can visually see what needs to get done and you can prioritize what should be done first.  I love crossing things off of my to-do list and seeing my list get smaller because I know that I’m getting closer to my end goal.  Start with the small tasks on your list.  When you complete and cross off the tasks that don't require as much time or effort, your list will get shorter, keeping you feeling productive and motivated!

Now, what are you waiting for?! Start reaching your goals and make 2019 YOUR best year yet! Be excited for your future, it's in your hands!

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