Sunday, November 4, 2018

How to Find Your Niche or Topic to Make Money from Your Blog or Business

Have you spent time traveling, experienced incredible things, met awesome people, learned a lot about yourself and of the world, mastered a variety of skills, and find yourself thinking... now what?!?

Are you trying to figure out your dream job or career but you aren’t sure what that may be? 

Do you wish that you can use all of your travel experience, knowledge, skills, and passion and make money from it?  Do you want to find your dream career path doing what you know best and love the most?

That’s exactly how I felt, even after year 5, year 7, and year 9 of traveling around the world, I had NO clue what type of career I wanted. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and felt that I wanted to start my own business and I knew that I loved to travel and that I was good at traveling on a budget, managing my money, and traveling as a solo female backpacker but, what kind of career could I have from all of this?  I did not know! But, what I DID know was what I did NOT want in a career.

I didn’t want to work the typical 9-5 job
I knew the corporate world was not for me
I didn’t want to work for someone who didn’t value me or my expertise
I didn’t want to have scheduled time off or set vacation days
I want to be happy and feel fulfilled and have my values aligned with my career

I felt that the only options that I had that merged my love and knowledge of travel with a career or income were to be a travel blogger, travel agent, travel advisor, social media travel influencer, travel writer, or have a typical digital nomad job like virtual assistant work, website designer, or social media manager.  But, for me, none of those ever really intrigued me. They didn’t feel right for me.  I wanted something even more!

I am so excited that I finally found my ideal career path, my true passion, as a Travel and Business Coach!

Although I knew right away what my niche, specialty, and target audience are (budget travel, female travel, solo travel), this isn’t the case for most people.

Many people who have a love for travel, to any degree and of any kind, strive to find a career that aligns with their passion for travel, values, desires in life, and income goals. 

Does this sound like how you’ve been feeling or thinking?  You’re not alone!

So, if you’re someone who is looking to start their own online business, become an online coach, or wants to start a blog but, you have no idea or you feel stuck on figuring out what your niche, specialty, topic, focus, or target audience could be.

Do you think to yourself…

“I’m not an expert in anything!”
“What could I possibly teach someone?”
“I’m not good enough at something”
“I don’t know enough about something to teach it”
“How could I ever coach someone”
“I haven’t traveled as much as others”
“I don’t have valuable experience in anything”
“Who’s going to want to listen to what I have to say?”
“I don’t have any special certifications or qualifications”

Sounds like what’s going on in your head?? Well, don’t worry!

First off, everyone can teach something! Everyone is good at, has experience in, and knows enough about something that they teach or coach others on.  You just need to figure out what that is!

Here are some great ways to help you figure out what you could teach, coach, write about, and to who:

What do you have experience in?
Have you had unique experiences in your life?
What kind of information, tips, or advice do you enjoy giving to others?
Is there a common question, or type of question, that people tend to ask you in particular about?
Do people repeatedly come to you for answers on something?
What could you spend hours talking about and love it?
What have been some of your biggest challenges in life?  How did you deal with them and what did you learn from them?
Is there a skill(s) that you master or know a lot about?
What are you really good at doing?
What do you enjoy doing the most?
What does your ideal career look like (be specific)?
Has a big transformation occurred in your life?
Have you found a solution to a major or common problem?
What do you know more about or are better at than others?
Do you have any unique skills or talents?
What kind of people (be specific) do you enjoy helping most? (for example, mom’s who want to travel with their kids, girls who graduate high school and want to travel, solo travelers of all ages who want to turn their passion into a career, etc)
If you already have a blog, what is your most popular blog post (check your analytics)?  This will show you what people are more interested in reading about from your blog and you can turn this into a business topic.
What questions do you hear, see, or read more often in forums, Facebook groups, in person, or while you traveled?
Have you come across a problem that you wish there was a solution to? (create the solution yourself!)
Where does your heart and your values lay when it comes to the type of career that you want, what information you provide, and what you put out into the world?

What would you teach people for free if you had the time because you loved it that much?
What do you understand how to do that others don’t?
What are you a natural genius at?
Where do others make mistakes that you can see?

Write the answers to all (or some) of these questions on paper. This will help you with brainstorming, visualizing, focusing your topic, and getting clarity and direction on what your goals are and what you can teach.

Let me know how and if I can help!  Be sure to check out my video where I talked more about finding your niche!

If you're ready to start a blog and want to create a website, I'd recommend either using Blogger (Free) or Wordpress (low-cost).  If you want to learn more about creating a blog website on Wordpress, click here!

Download your own Beginner's Guide to Travel Coaching to help find your travel niche and visit me at The Travel Coach Network here

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