Sunday, November 12, 2017

Backpacking Germany

The overnight train to Berlin from Amsterdam took around nine hours.  I just booked a reserved seat instead of a sleeping cabin to save money.  The seats are fine because they are like small cabins and if theres no one next to you, then you can lay down.  I could barely sleep because people kept coming and going at the stops and being loud.  I met an Austrailian backpacker on the train who had been to Berlin before.  We arrived in Berlin really early in the morning.  I found that trying to get around Berlin is quite hard because of the difficult names of things.  Luckily, the Austrailian knew how to get to a hostel.  The hostel that I stayed at was called The Circus.  It was super nice and only cost 19 euros a night.  It was really colorful, hence the circus theme, and the staff was really friendly and helpful.  There was a cafe connected to it, a bar with a live band downstairs, free walking tours and tons of things there to do.  I went on a free walking tour of Berlin the next morning after trying to get some sleep after the overnight train ride.  The tour was 4 and a half hours long and it was rainy and cold.  But, i did get to see a lot of Berlin and learned a lot about its history.  I got to see things like where Hitler lived, where he was cremated, whats left of the Berlin wall, where Michael Jackson dangled his child blanket over the railing, and much more.  I had a good time but i was ready to go back to the hostel and get dry and warm.  I roomed with 9 other people, all Austrailians, strange, the first night.  There were a lot of Austrailians traveling, and most of them were on thier own or in pairs.  The next night i had to change rooms because i wasnt sure if i was going to stay another night or not so that room got booked.  But, that was okay because i got to meet new people in my new room.  And, of course, there were two more Austrailians haha. Everywhere that i go, i find that everyone thinks eachothers accents are funny.  Everyone likes my, so called, American accent.  By, the way, if youre wondering why theres a lack of puncuation marks or errors in typing, its because everywhere i go, the keyboards are different.  Weird.  After spending two nights in Berlin, i was ready to head to Prague.  I had a great time in Berlin and met a lot of really cool people.  I like to hear what everyone is doing, where they have gone, where they are going and how long they have been traveling for.  One Austrailian has been traveling for  nine months so far and started in Asia.  He then went to places like Dubai, Yemen, the middle east, eastern Europe and now Western Europe.  He is heading towards Africa and plans to be traveling for about a year and a half.  Insane. But, he had the craziest and funniest stories to tell.  I plan to go to come back to Germany in a few days.

After my first visit to Prague, I came to Munich, Germany.  I stayed in a hostel called 4 You Munchen.  It was cheap and had a free breakfast which was nice.  I got into Munich at night so i didnt do much that day.  Using the internet at the hostel was a bit costly so i found a nearby internet cafe. The next day, i had a few hours before i had to catch a train to Salzburg, Austria so i walked around the city center in Munich.  There was a big ice skating rink set up with lots of Christmas decorations everywhere.  Of all the places i have been so far, Germany definitely has the most Christmas decorations up.  There were lots of cute clothing stores, churches and the mayors building which was an awesome building.  It is one of my favorite buildings that i have seen so far because it is very old, rustic and detailed.  I also walked past a window display of little mechanical stuffed animals all doing things like jobs, living in a house, cooking, etc. I thought that it was absolutely adorable. i loved it.  I made my way back to the train station then.

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