Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why I Travel

Traveling never dawned on me as a child. My family and I had our yearly summer road trips from Wisconsin down to southern Texas and Mexico to visit my grandmother's family and of course my mom made sure that I had my fare share of trips to Disney World down in Florida. I also remember experiencing Las Vegas as a teenager and a family vacation to the Dominican Republic while in high school but, that's as far as my travels went. I hadn't begun to gain the urge to travel until I began taking Spanish classes in middle school. We learned about Spanish-speaking countries and whenever we had to choose a country for a project, I would choose Costa Rica. I think it was the pretty and colorful photographs with such lush greenery, tropical birds, and crystal blue sandy beaches that I printed and glued to my poster board that really influenced my desire to visit such a magical place. And if just one country looks like that, I could only imagine what all of the others encompassed. 

It wasn't until after getting into a Hospitality and Tourism program in Chicago for my remaining two years of college that I realized how much some people travel, what the world entails, how diverse the world is, the different ways to travel, and everything in between.  I specifically remember sitting the first day in Mr. Murphy s International Business course and everyone went around the room taking turns sharing the places in which we have traveled to.  Mr. Murphy had a lot more years on the rest of us and he is a very accomplished and successful businessman with many life experiences and opportunities under his belt so of course he raddled off an impressive list of countries. I jotted down my sad short list of vacations; Florida, Las Vegas, California, Missouri, Texas, somewhere in Mexico that I don't remember because i was so little at the time, Arizona where I used to live, and the most exciting one yet, the Dominican Republic.  Then, following my turn is a young asian girl. She shares with us her very impressive list of about 15 different countries.  She explains that she was born in Asia and moved to France as a little girl with her family. When in Europe, she says how easy it is
to visit so many other countries because of the how close the countries are to one another and how easy the transportation is. She also has studied in other countries and now shes studying in America on a student visa. I sat there in awe and jealousy. I wish I could visit all of those places like she has! And it was at that moment that I said to myself that I will find a way to travel the world one way or another. 

After returning from my last backpacking trip in April 2014, I decided to write an email to my former professor Mr. Murphy and shared with him all of my travels since his class.  I told him how I've been to over 50 countries on 5 continents in the past 4 years, all on my own expense and mostly by myself (except for the times that my mom came along or came to visit me). He was very impressed and said that he has to catch up with me now. That made me smile :)  My goal is to visit every continent (except for Antarctica, obviously, although it would be pretty awesome to see) before the age of 30.  Therefore, I have 4 years left to accomplish my goal :D 

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